Woman With Asperger’s Is Closing…Sorta.

First of all, I want to thank everyone who has visited, left comments on, engaged with me at, shared content from, or otherwise has supported the Woman With Asperger’s blog.

It has become apparent over the last few months that I need to move on to a different phase of my life in terms of activism and writing. In the last six months, my understanding of neurodiversity has broadened. More opportunities (thanks be to God) have presented themselves — including editing the Summer 2014 Issue of Red Wolf Journal, pursuing MFA studies (which begin this July), and the genesis of the neurodivergent literary journal Barking Sycamores, which I founded in February 2014 and which my fiancé and I together edit and produce.

With that in mind, I have decided to put Woman With Asperger’s on a semi-permanent hiatus. I am doing this because I no longer have time to devote to maintaining this blog as frequent as in time past. Additionally I have not been able to adequately reply to comments and answer the many questions readers have posed to me in the last year.

I will leave Woman With Asperger’s up and running. I want the blog posts to remain as a testament to my journey, and I will occasionally post here. However, over the next few months there will be several changes:

  1. I will be revamping the pages in various ways, including overhauling the language to make it more neurodiversity-friendly.
  2. Comments will be closed on older posts.
  3. Comments on newer posts (June 2014 and later) will remain open until 30 days after the date of first posting.

 In his poem “The Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost spoke of the need for choices — namely, to decide which road you will travel. And this is sometimes a difficult and painful decision. Like the speaker in his poem, I am “sorry I could not travel both” of the roads before me. My choice is to travel the road of poetry and activism through art.

The journey during which I began to understand what it means to be autistic has been a challenging, rewarding, and at times fun journey over the last four years. And it will not end, my friends. You are welcome to join me over at Raven’s Wing Poetry and to see our baby — the little neurodivergent poetry journal — grow and come of age at Barking Sycamores.

Thank you all, again, for all of your support.


4 thoughts on “Woman With Asperger’s Is Closing…Sorta.

  1. Hi Nicole, I just found your blog this morning and read the article you wrote in 2010 about stress coping. I’m an aspie mom with three little boys, two who are special needs, and I am just starting my journey and on getting myself help. I loved the bit of information you wrote about the sympathetic versus parasympathetic nervous systems and was wondering if you could link to any more recent articles that you wrote on this topic with regards to calming techniques. Thank you so much!!

    • Hi there: Thanks for stopping by. Unfortunately, I haven’t written anything new since those series of posts in 2010. As far as a good resource, I’d recommend the book Aspergirls by Rudy Simone. She is very excellent and thorough, and this is a good guide especially to dealing with stress, meltdowns, and so forth. Best wishes to you on your journey. –Nicole

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